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陳文章 (Wen-Chang Chen)




    Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Rochester


    Dean, College of Engineering, NTU, 2017/8-

    Director, Advanced Research Center for Green Materials Science and Technology, NTU, 2018/6-

    President, Federation of Asian Polymer Society, 2019/11-

    President, The Polymer Society (Taipei), 2018/3~2020/2

    Director, Center for Southeast Asia Education, 2017/6~2019/3.

    Research Interest and Publications

    Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers, Block Copolymers, and Hybrid Materials.

    440 refereed research articles (h-index: 65 for the papers after joining NTU), 66 plenary/invited speeches on international conferences, and 61 issued patents.

    Major Awards and Honors

    Chair Professor, National Taiwan University (2021-2023)

    National Chair Professorship (Engineering and Applied Science), Ministry of Education (2021-2023)

    Fellow, International Association of Advanced Materials (FIAAM), 2020.

    Academician, Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM), 2019.

    International Award, Society of Polymer Science, Japan, 2019.

    France-Taiwan Scientific Prize, Academy of Sciences, Institute de France (France) and Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan)., 2018.

    Future Tech Breakthrough Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2018.

    Academic Award, Ministry of Education, 2016.

    Supervisor on Postdoc Research Paper Award, Ministry of Science and Technology

    2016, 2017, 2018).

    Scientific Chair Professor-Nanotechnology, Far Eastern Y. Z. Hsu Scientific and Technology

    Memorial Foundation, 2015.

    Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), 2014.

    Ho Chin Tui Outstanding Research Award (Materials Science), Ho Chin Tui Foundation, 2013.

    Teco Award, Teco Technology Foundation, 2013.


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